Energy and Consciousness: 5 Keys of Understanding the True Nature of Our Being

A man sporting a black cap that says, "Love Your Neighbor"

There are five fundamental keys on energy and consciousness that, if embraced, have the potential to form the framework of a happy, contented life and a life of contribution and shared love.

The body is not simply matter but is what is known as vital energy as well. This is key #1. In fact, it’s vital energy that makes vital matter, vital. Key #2 is that everything has an energy field, therefore our entire being is not simply physical. It possesses a number of additional dimensions, what we might call aspects of our being, and each aspect itself creates a specific energy field. 

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The third key tells us that each energy field is more or less strong depending on how important that aspect of our being is: our physical body, our emotions/psychological, our thoughts and our beliefs/mental and the spiritual.

We are comprised of a veritable symphony of energy fields.

Think of yourself as a musical band playing your own particular music more or less loud, more or less melodious, more or less soft or aggressive and constantly projected outwardly into your environment. This music reaches not only other humans, but animals, plants and even beyond, since we can correlate from the exemplary and proven work of Masaru Emoto, that water molecules respond to our thoughts and emotions. 

Our presence creates an impact on every one else in contact with us—humans, animals, plants and everything else that receives the energetic imprint of our presence, and conversely, who project their own.

That awareness is self-awareness (in a good sense) and it’s part of conscious living. A lack of that awareness is likely to show up in behaviors manifesting as caustic relationships with others to a lack of appreciation of and sensitivity for our ecological environment. 

The fourth key indicates that what we commonly perceive with our physical senses and intellect is never the whole picture. For example: The physical body hides the presence of vital energy from our physical senses and common sense. In other words, what appears or rather what we perceive is not the full reality. This is a key principle in all energy medicines but in our consciously aware life it should apply to all aspects of our lives beginning in our relationship with others.

To discover the real or the fuller picture (for we can never truly see the whole picture) we must look beyond appearances, beyond the obvious, and see the person as a whole being and only then evaluate any situation within its broader context. 

The fifth and final key is that all human emotions can be placed on a spectrum defined by two sets of fundamentally opposite qualities.

On the one hand, we have love and its many manifestations: respect, civility, patience, tenderness, compassion, empathy, and the various altruistic expressions.

On the other hand, there is fear, anger, hate, jealousy, and the many expressions of selfishness.

That which tends toward love is among the higher emotions and that which tends toward fear is among the lowest emotions. In modern everyday language we describe these as positive energies and the negative energies.

All the great moral and social philosophers and major spiritual teachers throughout the ages have spoken of this. Some identified it as the law of karma and others, the Golden Rule–“do unto others as you would have them to unto you,” or “as you sow, so shall you reap.”

The wisdom of the ages, religious or not, is now proven by science. It clearly tells us and we see it proven out by observing our lives in action that the so-called positive energies benefit us while the negative ones tend to harm us.

Another universal law is that like attracts life, therefore positive energy promotes more positive energy and negative energy attracts more negative energy.

We see this magnified in groups or what we might call collective consciousness where an energy—positive or negative—affects those in its sphere of influence. We see this play out in religious groups and just as much in political ones, affecting the nation’s frame of mind.

You could object by pointing to the approach illustrated in older Judaic scriptures, “an eye for an eye,” the common wisdom expressing a self-preservation state of consciousness some 3,500 to 4,000 years ago. But a higher level of consciousness was taught some 2,000 years ago by a Jewish rabbi of Nazareth who preached: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

This precept is found in just about all authentic spiritual teachings and it is also the altruism lived and exemplified by the great humanists—believers, agnostics and atheists alike. This is the higher wisdom that conscious living attempts to promote and embody. It benefits us, others, and our environment.

Conversely, fear, anger, hate, jealousy and selfishness are not only destructive to our environment and to our relationships, but they poison our own essence and substance, slowly destroying our own fabric, causing sickness and misery.

Jesus, in his seminal Sermon on the Mount, delivered to an astonished audience the idea that sinning is not simply in the act (i.e. stealing, adultery, killing) but also in the emotions and thoughts of desire, anger, selfishness.

This idea was expressed 2,000 years earlier by Taoist sages and their practical notion of traditional Chinese medicine, that sickness can be created by negative emotions. It makes even more sense when you learn that the term sin was a translation of the Aramaic idea (Aramaic being the actual language Jesus spoke) meaning missing the mark. The missing of the mark is a fundamental error, mistake, an ability to recognize or a denial of the truth. This missing of the mark is not only relative to the rules of religion but also to conscious living. And when we are not cognizant of these five keys and do not practice an awareness of them in our daily lives, it creates a sort of boomerang that comes back to hit us over and over again—a pattern that we can’t seem to break free from. We become victims to this relentless boomerang, that is, until we embrace and understand these keys.

Our liberation comes simply when we become aware of the flow of energy and consciousness and the true nature of our beings.


Photo courtesy of Nina Strehl at Unsplash