crown chakra

The 7th chakra is the crown chakra that opens upwards from the top of the head. It is the master chakra that controls all the others. It is linked to the pineal gland located in the head near the center of the brain between the two hemispheres. This pea-sized endocrine gland shaped similar to a pine cone is not well known except that it produces melatonin, an agent regulating sleep.

Color: purple; white and gold
Sensorial function: all the senses and intuition
Symbol: 1,000-petaled lotus
Fundamental principle: self-realization; All Is One
Physical organs: brain
Endocrine gland: the tiny yet very important pineal whose function may not yet be fully understood; located with the brain it secretes the hormone melatonin which regulates our sleep.
Purpose and function: The crown chakra functions as the seat of our supreme accomplishment often represented in ancient illustrations as a halo floating overhead. Like the colorless light which combines all the colors of the visible spectrum of sunlight, the seventh chakra combines all the energies of the six lower chakras and harmoniously integrates the activities of those chakras. What we understood intellectually and/or intuitively in the past, we now fully perceive with perfect and holistic comprehension. With this supreme accomplishment, we now finally see the full picture realizing that both subject and object of our perception were never separated after all. We realize that All is One. When the seventh chakra is completely open, it accomplishes its function of absorbing cosmic energies. Although we play a role in the opening of the other six chakras, when it comes to the seventh chakra, it is a matter of receptivity and openness, in particular, during the years of greatest seventh chakra activity – ages 43 to 49. 
Harmonious functioning: Strictly speaking, there is no blockage in the seventh chakra, simply different levels of development in our awareness of its activity. With a fully open crown chakra we will feel no separation between our inner being and our external life. Our consciousness is fully content with itself. We feel the omnipresence of pure Essence in the perfection of silence.
Dysfunction: With a lack of awareness of the seventh chakra energies we will feel an inner sense of separation regardless fo the degree of our physical and material achievements. As we increase our awareness, we acquire a plethora of knowledge, experiences and abilities. The more the crown chakra has opened the greater the integration of the energies of all seven chakras. Conversely, a restrained crown chakra will prevent the optimum opening and function of the other six. The other chakras simply will not realize their potential and become unable to harmoniously vibrate with each other.



third eye chakra

The 6th chakra is the third eye chakra located one finger higher than the bridge of the nose. It opens front and back. Its role is supported by the pituitary gland which secretes hormones to control the rest of the endocrine system, also connecting to the central nervous system via the hypothalamus. Both are also located in the middle of the head.

Color: indigo
Sensorial function: intuition
Symbol: 96-petaled lotus
Fundamental principle: understanding and wisdom from knowledge attained
Physical organs: face, eyes, ears, nose, sinus, cerebellum and central nervous system
Endocrine gland: the pituitary gland located at the base of the brain just below the hypothalamus and attaches to it by nerve fibers; the pituitary is a master gland in the endocrine system as it produces hormones which control other glands and various bodily functions.
Purpose and function: The third eye chakra functions as the seat of our mental power and spiritual awareness.
Harmonious functioning: The third eye is completely open only in very few people because that opening requires the development of a high level of consciousness. The sixth chakra, however, can work without being fully open even more so than the previous five chakras. This is evident in  keen mind capable of mental abstraction with no interest in spiritual matters let alone spiritual awareness. Scientific theories and deeply philosophical concepts are typical of a partially open sixth chakra harmoniously engaged in mental activity. The capacities of visualization and intuition are activities of the third eye chakra. Our mind is able to concentrate on mental activity and at the same time be open to mystical awareness.The more the third eye chakras opens the more we are able to rely on inner knowledge. We realize that the visible appearance of things are only images and symbols through which the spiritual principle appears at the level of matter.
Disharmonious functioning: A sixth chakra functioning disharmoniously can lead us to live exclusively by the power of our intellect where we will seek to manage everything with our mental faculty. Our intellect may be impressive but we are missing the fact that everything is integrated in both a holistic and cosmic context. We will tend to display intellectual arrogance. Only that which we can scientifically verify do we find real. We will refuse spiritual considerations because it is not scientific and, therefore, not real. 
Dysfunction: In extreme cases, our repressed emotional side becomes totally dominated by reliance on the mental though this, too, may collapse because of the imbalance we have created. This will cause us to feel unhappy, incomplete and isolated.



throat chakra

The 5th chakra is the throat chakra located at the lower part of the throat. It opens front and back. It is related to the thyroid, a gland also located in the throat which produces thyroid hormone and which is responsible for growth and maturation.

Color: light blue and blue green
Sensorial function: hearing 
Symbol: 16-petaled lotus
Fundamental principle: individual will and expression
Physical organs: neck, jaw, ears, voice, trachea bronchus, esophagus, upper lung, arms
Endocrine gland: thyroid and parathyroid glands which play an important role in physical and mental development and regulate iodine and calcium levels in blood and tissue
Purpose and function: The throat chakras is the energy center of expression and communication. It creates an important bridge between the chakras in the trunk and the chakras in the head, between feeling and thinking. It is the energy center that allows us to vocally express what we live inwardly: our laugh and our tears, our feelings of love and joy, anguish and anger. With the throat chakra we express our intentions and desires, our perceptions, ideas and beliefs.
Harmonious functioning: When the throat chakra is completely open we express our thoughts and feeling clearly and without fear. We are honest with ourselves and are comfortable expressing our failings even in the presence of others. We are able to say “no” when we are convinced “no” is appropriate. We do not let the opinions of others become an undue influence on us and we remain independent and free-thinking.
Disharmonious functioning: A blockage of the fifth chakra  prevents harmony between head and body. Consequently, we experience challenges reflecting on our feelings and may express inhibited emotion through thoughtless acts. Our language may be rude or chilling. We may try to attract attention, manipulate others or dominate situations with a flood of words.
Dysfunction: leads to challenges introducing and expressing ourselves. We become shy, quiet and introverted. We feel a lump in the throat when we attempt to express intimate concepts and feelings. We may experience stammering. We can be uncomfortable around others and become afraid of hearing their opinions about us. In order to avoid this discomfort, we readily follow the opinions of others to such an extent that we no longer truly know what we want. We may even lose confidence in our own intuition.



heart chakra

The 4th chakra is the heart chakra located in the heart area in the chest. It opens front and back. It is related to the thymus which is located above the heart. It is a part of the endocrine and immune systems as it produces the T cells responsible for fighting off disease.

Color: green
Sensorial function: touch
Symbol: 12-petaled lotus
Fundamental principle: the power of love
Physical organs: heart, the middle part of the back, rib cage, lower part of the lungs, blood, blood circulation, skin
Endocrine gland: the thymus which regulates growth and controls the lymph system; it also participates in immune system function producing T-cells.
Purpose and function: At the center of the chakra system the heart chakra is located between the three lower psycho-emotional chakras and the three higher mental-spiritual chakras. This chakra is often symbolized by a hexagonal star formed by two conversely inverted and superimposed triangles representing the integration of the three superior/upper and three inferior/lower chakras. The fourth chakra corresponds to the element of air in Ayurveda and the sense of touch. From it we draw the abilities to identify with and feel the beauty of nature, the harmony of music, in fact, all of the arts. The function of this chakra is to achieve perfect union through love. It encompasses compassion, kindness, and patience.
Harmonious functioning: When the heart chakra is open and functioning in harmony with the other chakras we become a medium of love. The energies of our heart propel us to seek to unify our world, and reconcile with or facilitate healing for people around us. We radiate natural warmth, compassion and cheerfulness.
Disharmonious functioning: Imbalanced function of the heart chakra can be expressed in various ways. We may enjoy giving, but we unconsciously expect gratitude in return and feel disappointed if we are not so rewarded. This causes us frustration which may lead to sadness, a fear of separation or of vanishing love. We are reticent to accept the love of others and to come to them with an open heart. Tenderness and kindness make us uncomfortable. We might even convince ourself that we do not need the love of others projected outward as a “puffed-up” chest which hides a need to protect our inner being from attack and ensuing pain.
Dysfunction: A blockage of the heart chakra causes us to feel needy – dependent on others for love and affection. If we feel rejected, we become deeply upset, especially if we had actually opened our heart for once. We withdraw into our shell, sad and depressed. We would like to share our love, but we cannot because we are convinced that we are incapable of loving. A closed heart is cold and indifferent and causes us more suffering.



solar plexus  chakra

The 3rd chakra is the solar plexus chakra and is located in the solar plexus area below the sternum. It opens front and back. It is related to the pancreas which produces insulin. It also plays a role in the conversion of food into energy for the body.

Color: yellow to golden yellow
Sensorial function: sight
Symbol: 10-petaled lotus
Fundamental principle: the realization of our personal power in relation to the external world and the ability to achieve self-respect
Physical organs: low back, abdominal cavity, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and vegetative nervous system
Endocrine gland: the pancreas which play a critical role in the digestion of food and also produce the hormone, insulin, important for carbohydrate metabolism and glycemic balance. The pancreas also secrete essential enzymes for lipid and protein metabolism.
Purpose and function: Located just below the rib cage, this chakra includes several secondary chakras involved in many functions of digestive organs. Representing the sun, our center of life force, it is connected to the Ayurvedic element of fire symbolizing light, warmth, energy, and spiritual purification. It provides the energy to creatively engage in the world and with other human beings. The energy of purification of our desires and the instincts of the lower chakras while using the creative energy of the upper/superior chakras to achieve a fuller life is indicative of this energetic center.
Harmonious functioning: When open and harmonious with the other chakras, we will enjoy inner harmony and peace with life and the part we play in it. We will accept ourself as we are. We are at ease with our own feelings, desires, and how we experience life with integrity. We will more readily respect others, their feelings, and unique qualities.
Disharmonious functioning: When this chakra is unsettled we tend to want to influence everything in our favor. We will want to control our world, to exert our power, and to satisfy our hunger for conquest. These pursuits are likely to cause a sense of dissatisfaction even if we experience a degree of material and corporeal success in our search for gratification.

Dysfunction: A blocked third chakra may provoke feelings of depression even if we simultaneously feel driven to achieve. We will see obstacles everywhere that seem to oppose the realization of our goals. It may be likely that our development was significantly repressed during childhood: to avoid displeasing our parents and educators we had to restrain expressing our own feelings. This coping mechanism reduced the fire energy of the solar chakra diminishing force and spontaneity from our actions.



sacral chakra

The 2nd chakra is the sacral chakra located three fingers below the belly button. It opens front and back. It is related to the gonads (testes or ovaries) that produce the various sex hormones involved in the reproductive cycle and which can also cause dramatic mood swings.

Color: orange
Sensorial function: taste
Symbol: six-petaled lotus
Fundamental principle: an individual desire to exercise our power of choice based on our individual beliefs and values and freed from group or tribal constraints
Physical organs: basin, genitals, bladder, kidneys; everything that is liquid such as blood, lymph, gastric juices, sexual fluid
Endocrine gland: gonads (ovaries, testes), glands which determine the sex of an individual; ovaries control the female menstrual cycle.
Purpose and function: primal individual emotion; more than the desire for survival of the tribe, sexual desire propels creative relationship and love of the other. This energy corresponds to the element of water in Ayurveda, the source of all biological life. This chakra generates the energy that causes us to develop a sense of our personal identity shaped by the choices we make.
Harmonious functioning: An open sacral chakra is demonstrated by a natural and unencumbered expression of emotion. Sexual union with a partner we love helps us live in harmony with nature and each other while maintaining  our individual integrity. We are challenged and supported to learn to consciously communicate with others.
Disharmonious functioning: The origin of a blockage in the sacral chakra begins in puberty. A lack of tenderness and body contact during infancy and early childhood may result in a refusal to accept healthy adult sexuality. It impedes a sense of personal power by closing the door to the expression of inner emotions and creative energies.

Dysfunction: Parents who have repressed their own sensuality may inspire dysfunction in the child’s sacral chakra. Their actions which include the withholding of parental touch and affectionate embrace may have limited the experience of normal sensual expression. This may result in an adult who is deeply sensually disconnected. Feelings and behaviors of separateness and alienation arise in order to avoid being vulnerable to energies we are uncomfortable with.



root chakra

The 1st chakra is the base or root chakra located in the region between the genitals and the anus. It opens downwards. It is related to the adrenal glands (although many relate them to the 2nd or 3rd chakras) that play a key role in survival as they trigger the fight or flee reaction. It is taught in Ayurveda that the kundalini energy lies coiled in the root chakra ready to uncoil and bring man to his highest spiritual potential as it links up to the crown chakra.

Color: red
Sensorial function: smell
Symbol: four-petaled lotus
Fundamental principle: the primal energy to live and to survive sustained by the tribal or group energy to which we belong (e. g. family, nation, organization)
Physical organs: everything that is hard such as the spinal cord, bones, teeth and nails; everything that is near such as the anus, rectum, large intestine, prostate; also the blood and cellular structure
Endocrine gland: the adrenals which secrete adrenalin whose functions it is to adapt the body to urgent needs such as survival, in particular; adrenals also play a dominant role in body temperature homeostasis.
Purpose and function: To translate life force into the physiological activities needed for survival. The first chakra is the primary source of all aspects of vital energy: physical, sexual, mental, and emotional. The healthy functioning of this chakra is a precondition to living a healthy life. It connects us to the physical world as well as the groups to which we belong each with their particular tribal values and beliefs. The telluric (earth) energies penetrate through this chakra. It is how we get grounded and in contact with the spirit of Mother Earth. It moves us to attain material security and ensure the survival of the species and of the tribe through the sexual urge of the this chakra.of our limitations produces anguish and an incapacity to experience a sense of security and of well-being. We live by the beliefs and values of the groups we belong to rather than by our individual beliefs. 
Harmonious functioning: If the root chakra is open, meaning it has no energetic blockage, and if it works harmoniously with the other chakras, we will feel a deep and personal tie with the Earth and its creatures and with all the vital force we require. This function is stabilizing and gives us the comfortable feeling of belonging and of being integrated with our groups.
Disharmonious functioning: If the first chakra is out of balance our thoughts and our actions are dominated by an obsession to possess and to achieve material gain or it will be dominated by a drive for excessive sensual stimulation and pleasure. All we will want is immediate gratification without thinking about potential consequences. We will have resistance to give and to receive freely. Focused on our own needs, we will not consider the needs of others and may even ignore the needs of our own body. We will lack confidence and fear of our limitations will provoke anguish within us and an incapacity to experience a sense of security and well-being. We live by the beliefs and values of the groups we belong to rather than by our own individual beliefs.

Dysfunction: When the root chakra is blocked our constitution becomes weakened and we lack both physical and psychological resiliency. We feel constantly insecure and reluctant to tend to our  basic needs in life. We will often express anger and violence with dysfunction of the root chakra. We will not have the courage to assert ourselves and life on earth feels a constant burden.