Yin and Yang Balancing Facial Masks: A Treatment Concept Unique to PHYTO5



At a time when the beauty industry is full of buzz words about facial masks and on the occasion of the Chinese New Year based on the new moon of January 25, 2020, you might enjoy a treatment concept exclusive to PHYTO5. The approach is based on the idea of vital energy from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It involves the principles of the yin/yang cycle and the more detailed explanation of that cycle with its composition of five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water).

In TCM everything has a specific energy, be it a place, person, or situation. In particular, the year we are born contributes some specific energy to our individual energetic profile. One such energetic consideration is that a year ending with an even number is considered a yang year, and one ending with an odd number is deemed to be a yin year. Since the key mission of all energy medicines is always to balance vital energy, it stands to reason that yang energy needs to be moderated with yin energy and conversely yin energy is to be balanced with yang energy. For example, 2020 and any year ending in an even number are yang years and odd number years are yin.

Another consideration is the concept of reflex zones. Since vital energy travels through the entire body and connects all organs and functions to each other’s, including the skin – a vital organ – it follows that certain areas of the skin are reflex zones for specific organs as each reflects the quality of energy of that organ. It is known that the bottom of our feet is a special area where organs and vital function “reflect” allowing for the practice of reflexology treatments, but it is little known that the face can play a similar role because all major organs and functions “reflect” at the level of the skin on the face and each one specifically in its own reflex zone. All organs, which are contained within the trunk of the body, conveniently appear each in a particular area on the face that we call reflex zones. In other words, it is possible to practice facial reflexology while doing a facial. This leads to the PHYTO5 signature Five Clay Mask treatment which balances all reflex zones of the five elements in one treatment. 

Another approach is the consideration that the three major bodily functions taking place in the trunk are: 

  • Regeneration taking place at the top of the trunk, in lungs and heart area

  • Assimilation occurring in the middle of the trunk where organs of digestion are located

  • Elimination happening in the lower area of the trunk where bladder and large intestine are located

Not surprisingly, those functions reflect on the face in three zones:

  • Regeneration (R zone): forehead area

  • Assimilation (A zone): from below the eyes to the upper lip

  • Elimination (E zone): from the lower lip to under the chin and neck area.

The principle of the yin and yang balancing facials is to use energetic topical products on each of the three zones to support the function of that zone with a yin influence if you do a yang balancing mask; or with a yang influence if you do a yin balancing mask.

Remember that people born in a yin year will need a yang facial mask and those born in a yang year will benefit from a yin facial mask. PHYTO5 naturally colored five clays rich in blends of balancing natural essential oils according to the five elements are perfectly suited for this facial treatment. 

Application: After cleansing and toning, apply a thin cover of the selected clays with a small brush on the designated zones as follows.

Yang Balancing Facial Mask:

  • On R zone: Metal white clay

  • On A zone: Earth yellow clay

  • On E zone: Water black clay

Yin Balancing Facial Mask:

  • On R zone: Fire red clay

  • On A zone: Wood green clay

  • On E zone: Metal white clay


  1. It is helpful to remember the following: The yin/yang cycle is typically illustrated by the night/day cycle. The sun makes days warmer (meaning more yang) than nights.

    1. Let’s break this down and reveal the yin/yang influence within each of the five elements:

      1. Night is the peak of yin and minimal amount of yang. Morning is the rise of yang (Wood) while yin diminishes. Midday is the peak of yang (Fire) and minimal yin. Earth is later in the day when the yang and the yin are in balance. Metal with the lowering sun is when yang diminishes and yin starts growing again. Then yin peaks anew during the night and the circle eternally repeats itself.

  1. Metal (declining yang and rising yin) contributes to regeneration with oxygenation of the blood by the lungs (Metal yin organ) whereas Fire, the peak of yang, contributes to regeneration by circulating red blood circulation (Heart as Fire organ). Of the two elements, both are regenerating. Metal is the most yin for a yang mask and Fire the most yang for a yin mask.

  2. Earth (the balanced yin/yang element) balances the Earth organs of digestions (stomach and spleen) whereas Wood (rising yang) influences digestion with the energy of liver and gallbladder. Of the two, both play a role in assimilation. Earth is less yang and Wood more yang. The former is suited for a yang facial and the latter for a yin facial. 

  3. Water (the most yin of the five elements) influences the elimination of fluids (kidneys and bladder) whereas Metal (more yang than Water) eliminates matter with its large intestine organ. Both play a role in elimination.

A word of caution:

The energy of the year of birth is only one of many factors constituting the energetic profile of any individual. Therefore the year of birth should not be taken as an absolute. We must always address what we see. If the person is displaying marked yin or yang characteristics, physically and psychologically, in contradiction with the energy of their year of birth, it is recommended to do the mask corresponding to their condition and not blindly follow the year of birth if it is not justified.